
viebahn The Use of Ozone in Medicine
The Use of Ozone in Medicine
inglese 5a Edizione 176 pg.
- Euro 36 -
fahmy The Application of Ozone Therapy in Pain Management
Z. Fahmy
The Application of Ozone Therapy in Pain Management, Rheumatic and Orthopaedic Diseases
inglese, 670 pg.
- Euro 75 -

leon fernandez Ozone Therapy Oxidative Conditioning
Olga Sonia León Fernández
Ozone Therapy Oxidative Conditioning, Basis for its Clinical Effectiveness
inglese 201 pg.
- Euro 70 -

fahmy Ozone in Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Disorder Syndromes
Z. Fahmy
Ozone in Fibromyalgia
and Other Chronic Disorder Syndromes
inglese 380 pg.
- Euro 75 -
fahmy Ozone Pain Therapy by muscular sceletal and joint diseases
Z. Fahmy
Ozone Pain Therapy by muscular sceletal and joint diseases. Therapy concepts for praxis and clinics
inglese 271 pg.
- Euro 70 -
leon fernandez Ozone Therapy Oxidative Conditioning
Eugenio Riva Sanseverino, Patrizia Castellacci
Manueale teorico-pratico di patologie specialistiche
italiano 294 pg.
- Euro 40 -

fahmy The Role of Ozone Therapy in Elderly Rheumatic Patients
Z. Fahmy
The Role of Ozone Therapy in Elderly Rheumatic Patients
inglese 310 pg.
- Euro 70 -
Z. Fahmy
Ozone Mode Action of the Immune System
inglese 369 pg.
- Euro 70 -

R. VIEBAHN, Ozon-Sauerstoff-Therapie
tedesco 6a Edizione 106 pg.
- Euro 25 -
Atti Prime Giornate Trivenete di
Ozono Terapia 1997
133 pg. - Euro 13 -

Atti Terze Giornate Trivenete di
Ozono Terapia 1999
148 pg. - Euro 15 -
V. BOCCI, Ossigeno-ozonoterapia
324 pg. - in ristampa - indice

Autori vari, Ossigeno-Ozono Terapia in Ortopedia - Esaurito
V. BOCCI, Oxygen-Ozone Therapy,
a critical evaluation
467 pg. - Euro 360 -

Atti del VI° Congresso S.S.I.O.O.T. 1996
286 pg. - Euro 31
Knoch / Viebahn-Hänsler
Background, Prevention, Therapy
raccoglitore a fascicoli 1995-2006
oltre 400 pagine a colori
esclusivamente in lingua tedesca
- Euro 186 -

Atti 11° Convegno Mondiale 1993
International Ozone Association
San Francisco, USA
- Euro 88 -
Autori vari, Ossigeno-Ozono Terapia in Angiologia
101 pg. - Euro 10 -

Hans H. Wolff
Das medizinische Ozon
584 pg. Esaurito

R. MATASSI, Ozonoterapia
179 pg. - Esaurito

  • Promo-poster sui campi d'azione dell'Ozono Terapia - (quadricromia, 100x70 cm) Euro 10
  • 100 Depliant Promozon sull'Ozono Terapia (pieghevole 8 pag. 15x21 cm, quadricromia) Euro 26
  • 20 Opuscoli Ernia del disco lombare, Ozono Terapia (libretto 20 pag. 15x21 cm) Euro 15

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